Sunday, April 28, 2013

Koda's Legacy News!

Koda's Legacy News!

We're so happy to announce that Koda's Legacy
has been incorporated! This is the first step
toward obtaining our 501c3 non-profit status.

Every little step we take, every hurdle, every
dotted i and crossed t will being us closer
to our goal of becoming a non-profit.

Wish us well please, it's a very long journey
but it will be worth it in the end!

Thank You Auction Winners!

We'd like to thank every person who came
to our latest Facebook auction called 
"Emergency Auction For Heidi."
Heidi is one of our Legacy Doggies and became 
very ill, necessitating trips to see specialists.
This cost a large amount of money and thus,
we had an auction to raise the funds. Thanks to
our loyal and wonderful supporters, we helped
Heidi (and her family) pay some of those 
medical bills. Heidi is doing better thanks to you!

Our next Koda's Legacy Auction will be
May 15, 2013.

Please LIKE our Facebook page:'sLegacy

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