Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Becoming A Koda's Legacy Family Member

A Message From Koda

Welcome everyone!

I would like to clarify certain aspects of Koda’s Legacy. We are a very small organization that is striving to make Koda’s Legacy a household name! We would like to assist as many four legged creatures as possible, and this will not happen without “you” assisting us in this endeavor.

Within the realm of Koda’s Legacy when we have approved an application of an animal in need and have agreed to assist we require certain things. Those things will not only allow Koda’s Legacy to flourish but it will ensure that the medical care of said animal will be covered.

Those particular aspects are:
  •   When your application is approved you have agreed to share the chip-in applied to your animal, not just on your page but other pages as well to get as many donations as possible.

  •   You have agreed to share Koda’s Legacy again not just on your page but other pages as well, this will help to guarantee success of helping animals in need.
  •   You have agreed to donate at least one item to any auctions that we will have for your four legged fur being in order to bring in funds.
  •   You have agreed to keep in contact with Koda’s Legacy and let us know about all treatments, plans etc.

Koda’s Legacy CANNOT and WILL NOT do everything on their own, we will give you all of the tools necessary to make this a success, we will share, we will hold auctions, we will call veterinarians, we will negotiate pricing, and we will donate to auctions.

We have other animals that are awaiting medical care. Koda’s Legacy reserves the right to pull funding from any animal to which these aspects are not being adhered to, those funds will then be set forth to assist another animal in need.

If you should have any questions and or concerns please send us a message!

Thank you for all that you do in helping Koda’s Legacy!

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